Bodhi - Enterprise ready AI/ML Platform

Cloud-agnostic platform that accelerates the path to business value by enabling data scientists and engineers to build end-to-end scalable AI/ML based solutions.

Meeting enterprise needs

Enabling data scientists, engineers and analysts to build reproducible end-to-end production grade worksflows

Cloud Agnostic

Runs on any major cloud providers (GCP, AWS, Azure). Support even on-prem setup.

Open-Source Stack

Built on top of open-source stacks. No extra licensing costs.

End-to-end AI/ML Workflow

Toolkits to build production grade AI/ML workflows with MLOps features such as model management, autoscaling.

Enterprise-grade security

Multiple authentication and authorization mechanisms built-in that provide full observability, tracebility and logging.



As per the VentureBeats report, 80% of AI/ML projects never make it to production. Key reasons for such low success rate are failing to deal with scale, inability to build automated workflows, lack of collaboration & experiment tracking. Bodhi AI/ML platform enable orgnanizations and teams to develop, deploy and manage your AI/ML models by bringing together curated toolkits and open-source stacks.

Allow data scientists to be more productive.

The ability to work in collaborative fashion by leveraging skill sets across the team

  • Configure notebook servers based on your team's requirement.
  • Share notebooks and workspaces with team members.
  • Track and compare multiple data science experiments.

Reduces time to production

Platform supports end-to-end workflow from AI/ML model development to production and reduces the time-to-production significantly.

  • Build reproducible pipelines covering model development and deployment.
  • Track and schedule pipeline executions.
  • Use ML frameworks of your choice such as Tensorflow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Chainer, MxNet.
  • Integrate with other cloud services if needed as part of workflow.

Customizable as per your enterprise requirements

Toolkits and frameworks to support enterprise level requirements around scale, security, audit and integrations.

  • Provide flexible options for authenication and authorization. Supports all major integrations such as SSO, ADFS, LDAP, OpenID
  • Integrate with frameworks for logging, tracing, monitoring such as Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali, Jaeger, Fluentd
  • Autoscaling enabled for distributed loads, low latency inferences.

Notebook Servers

Notebook servers that can be configured with custom images, computational requirements including GPUs and shared workspace with persistant storage.



Automated pipeline development and CI/CD workflows.Tracking pipeline executions.


Artifacts Store

Central store for various artifacts such as ML models, datasets, model performance metrics.


Feature Store

Publish, discover and use features across teams and projects. Allow consistency between training and inference, real time access to features and support multiple ML frameworks.


Distributed Training

Support large scale training and hyper-parameter tuning. Use multi-GPU, multi-node based on scaling requirements.


Serverless Inference

Large scale model inferencing with autoscaling (including GPU based inferencing), monitoring, processing, canary rollouts, A/B test, model explainibility.

Solution-in-a-Box (Glassbox Approach)

We have created tailored solutions on top of Bodhi AI/ML platform to solve some of most common challenges faced by our clients across industries bringing our deep domain and AI expertise together.

Bodhi Ecosystem

Bodhi ecosystem brings Bodhi-Core components (Our AI/ML Platform) to solve industry specific AI/ML use-cases using our Solution-in-a-box offerings to enable enterprises to extract maximum value from their AI/ML investment and allowing them faster time-to-market for competitive edge.

Our Offerings

We provide end-to-end support for development and consultancy to help you maximize the returns on your AI/ML investments and propel your business.

AI-ML Platform

Deploy and customize AI/ML platform based on your team, scale, enterprise requirements.


Step-by-step guides for implementing scenarios for development,productionization and governance.

Use-case On-boarding

Build and deploy AI/ML use-cases for your business requirements.

Best practices

Share our best practices collected by working with large scale enterprises.


Reach out to us if you and your orgnanization need to take your AI/ML journey to the next level.

Our Address

Publicis Sapient, India

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